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City of Jackson dba City Hall
City Hall Building
101 East Main Street

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DWR Permits at this Site

Documents at this Site

TNS075361LetterJackson MS4 Acknowledgement of Requested CAP Progress Report and Completion Letter with enclosures - 01APR244/1/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Corrective Action Plan Documentation_Part One A - 14MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Corrective Action Plan Documentation_Part two - 14MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Corrective Action Plan Documentation_Part One B - 14MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Trying to send documents shared folder - 15MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Corrective Action Plan Documentation_Part One B-2 - 14MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Corrective Action Plan Documentation_Part One B - 14MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Corrective Action Plan Documentation_Part Three - 14MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailJackson MS4 NOV CAP Update - 14MAR243/14/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Jackson MS4 Compliance Submission - Extension - 05MAR243/5/2024
TNS075361EmailEmail - Madison Co MS4 - TNS075604 REQUIRED MONTHLY INSPECTIONS - 24JAN241/24/2024
TNS075361LetterJackson MS4 CRM and CAP Acceptance letter and enclosures - 19DEC2312/19/2023
TNS075361EmailEmail - Jackson MS4 Audit 2nd NOV Response and email - 17NOV2311/17/2023
TNS075361Notice of ViolationJackson MS4 Audit 2nd NOV CRM and Report with attachments- 31OCT23 - with audit report added10/20/2023
TNS075361LetterRCVD VIA EMAIL 23-AUG-23: letter re: delegated sig auth by Scott Conger8/23/2023
Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.

Complaints on this Site

no data found

Inspections at this Site

Permittee Name
29-AUG-2023TNS075361City of JacksonStormwater MS4 AuditOut of Compliance
21-JUL-2021TNS075361City of JacksonStormwater MS4 AuditOut of Compliance
24-JUN-2019TNS075361City of JacksonStormwater MS4 Compliance EvaluationIn Compliance
27-JUN-2014TNS075361City of JacksonStormwater MS4 Compliance EvaluationMinor Deficiency Noted
13-JUL-2010TNS075361City of JacksonReconnaissance (RI)Minor Deficiency Noted