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CSX Transportation, Inc.
Railroad terminal including railcar repair, fueling and servicing locomotives and railcar traffic
3661 Seaboard Drive

Site Map

DWR Permits at this Site

TN0064955CSX Transportation, Inc.Radnor YardIndividualIncomplete6/1/20205/31/2025

Documents at this Site

TN0064955ApplicationRCVD VIA EMAIL 25-NOV-24: Form 1, map, Form 2F, flow diagram, and sig auth letter for Jeff Buchanan, by Nathan Goldman11/25/2024
TN0064955LetterRCVD 14-NOV-23: letter re: delegated signatory authority for Jeff Buchanan by Nathan Goldman11/14/2023
TN0064955Report2021 CEI- Inspection report5/3/2021
TN0064955LetterDelegated Signatory Authority Letter3/9/2021
TN0064955PermitFinal Permit TN0064955 with Addendum to Rationale5/27/2020
TN0064955EmailEmail with comments on draft permit 5/20/20205/20/2020
TN0064955Draft PermitDraft Permit TN00649554/28/2020
TN0064955ApplicationRenewal Application1/13/2020
TN0064955FormPermit Contact Information12/9/2019
TN0064955Letter2017 CEI response letter7/12/2017
TN0064955Letter2017 CEI Inspection Letter7/11/2017
TN0064955Report2017 CEI ICIS entry form7/11/2017
TN0064955Old PermitCorrected TN0064955 Final Permit4/15/2015
TN0064955Old PermitTN0064955 Final Permit4/2/2015
TN0064955Draft PermitDraft Permit2/23/2015
Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.

Complaints on this Site

See Details2/1/2008Pollution / Spills / Illicit DischargeReferred to other Agency

Inspections at this Site

Permittee Name
05-FEB-2021TN0064955CSX Transportation, Inc.Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance
28-JUN-2017TN0064955CSX Transportation, Inc.Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance
30-OCT-2012TN0064955CSX Transportation, Inc.Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance
13-JUN-2007TN0064955CSX Transportation, Inc.Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)In Compliance