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Tennessee Wastewater Systems, Inc. Sugar Loaf
Septic tanks, effluent collection system, recirculatind sand filter, UV disinfection and drip irrigation
Sugar Loaf Rd. west of Goose Gap Rd.

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DWR Permits at this Site

SOP-05072Tennessee Wastewater Systems, Inc.Sugar Loaf RidgeSOPReissuance1/1/202312/31/2027

Documents at this Site

SOP-05072Inspection ReportCEI drip field only8/26/2024
SOP-05072ReportOperation and Maintenance Inspection Schedule6/27/2024
SOP-05072ReportRCVD VIA EMAIL 01-MAY-23: report re: updated inspection frequency from Jenny Nichols5/1/2023
SOP-05072PermitFinal Permit7/13/2022
SOP-05072Draft PermitDraft Permit6/28/2022
SOP-05072LetterNotice of Complete Application6/6/2022
SOP-05072ApplicationRenewal Application5/25/2022
SOP-05072LetterRCVD VIA EMAIL 17-OCT-18: letter re: authorized representative changed from Charles Hyatt to Jeff Risden by Jeff Risden.10/17/2018
SOP-05072PermitFinal Permit (Minor Modification)10/3/2018
SOP-05072Engineering Drawings-PlansAs Built12/13/2017
SOP-05072ApplicationRCVD VIA EMAIL 12-DEC-17: SOP app for mod by Charles Hyatt.12/12/2017
SOP-05072Old PermitFinal Permit12/1/2017
SOP-05072Draft PermitDraft Permit10/19/2017
SOP-05072LetterComplete Application Letter8/28/2017
SOP-05072ApplicationRCVD VIA EMAIL 18-AUG-17: SOP drip app w/ no ck by Charles Hyatt.8/18/2017
Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.

Complaints on this Site

no data found

Inspections at this Site

Permittee Name
17-DEC-2024SOP-05072Tennessee Wastewater Systems, Inc.Compliance Evaluations (non-NPDES)Out of Compliance
10-JAN-2024SOP-05072Tennessee Wastewater Systems, Inc.Compliance Evaluations (non-NPDES)Out of Compliance