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Site IDSiteLocationCityCountyEFO Name
1938United Cleanup Oak Ridge LLC (UCOR)U.S. Department of Energy Reservation, Y-12 Plant, Bear Creek ValleyOak RidgeAndersonKnoxville

Permit Information

UCOR (United Cleanup Oak Ridge LLC)
Environmental Management Waste Management Facility (EMWMF) and the deactivation and demolition (D&D) work at the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12)
Operation of a sewage collection system for office trailers, change trailers and break rooms at the primary waste disposal site and active demolition site on the US DOE Oak Ridge Reservation.
N/A. Location is near Bear Creek between North tributaries (NT) 4 and 5
No discharge allowed
pump and haul domestic wastewater from seven holding tanks (decontaminated water and all other non-domestic waste water shall not be placed in this system)
18-JUL-2024 12:35PM

Other DWR permits at this site

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Permit Documents

LetterRCVD VIA EMAIL 12-DEC-24: letter re: addition of 1 holding tank for domestic wastewater, by Emily Day12-DEC-2024
LetterRCVD VIA EMAIL 21-NOV-24: letter re: removal of the 1,500-gallon holding tank from service at the EMWMF for domestic wastewater, by Emily Day21-NOV-2024
LetterRCVD VIA EMAIL 11-NOV-24: cover letter and contact sheet by Emily Day11-NOV-2024
LetterPermit Contact Update November 202411-NOV-2024
Monitoring ReportQ3 Monitoring Report09-OCT-2024
Monitoring ReportMonitoring Report10-APR-2024
LetterApproval of a request for removal of a waste holding tank (9201-02)06-MAR-2024
Letter9201-02 was connected to the sanitary sewer system at Y-12 and will no longer be utilizing a pump and haul tank system. The 9201-02 tank was emptied and closed on February 22, 2024. UCOR requests that 9201-02 tank be removed from the SOP05-MAR-2024
Monitoring Report2nd Quarter MOR13-JUL-2023
LetterApproval of a request for removal of a waste holding tank (9983-JG)01-JUN-2023
Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.


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Wastewater Engineering Plans Review

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