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Site IDSiteLocationCityCountyEFO NameGIS
1388Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority - HD ID No. 4383 / 31628 / 33646NashvilleNashvilleDavidsonNashvilleView Map

Permit Information

When initially received, all applications are identified as "Pending." Pending status indicates that the application is in the que to be processed or that TDEC-DWR staff are reviewing the application (or Notice of Intent for general permits). Status "Pending" could be also interpreted as "work in progress."
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority
MNAA Central Ramp Expansion
The Proposed Action would include expansion of the Central Ramp to provide additional aircraft RON parking, deicing locations, and ground support equipment (GSE) storage; reconfiguration of taxiways and taxi lanes, including realigning Taxiways T2 and T4; filling in approximately 0.45 acres within the Mill Creek watershed and encapsulating approximately 1,485 feet of Sims Branch (OW 1a & OW 1b) to maintain existing stream flow; filling and encapsulating approximately 55 linear feet of Snakey Creek (OW 3); filling and encapsulating 128 feet of OW 2; filling and encapsulating approximately 60 linear feet of OW 6; installing associated stormwater capacity improvements to enable proper drainage and stormwater collection for the site; and establishing temporary haul routes, security gate, and staging areas. The Proposed Action would require off-site construction staging, establishment of construction haul routes, and transfer of fill material to the construction site.
Sims Branch
04-DEC-2024 12:53PM

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Permit Documents

AddendumARAP Payment04-DEC-2024
ApplicationApplication Package04-DEC-2024
Forms submitted through MyTDEC Forms after 11/17/2020 will be available in FileNet.


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