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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
11029City of Maryville404 West BroadwayBlountKnoxville

Inspection Details

Stormwater MS4 Compliance Evaluation
In Compliance
MCM 6 -met with Dale Jayne, Tim Phillip, Tim Green and Brian Boone with the City as well as Mary Halley with Wood Environmental Consulting. The City has developed a Good Housekeeping manual (2016) which guides staff for proper maintenance at all facilities and for street sweeping operations. Employee training is conducted annually with the most recent conducted on 2/13/2020 for the Engineer and Public Works Department. Recommended including the Water, Sewer and Electric Departments during this same permit cycle. Videos for Municipal SW Pollution Prevention are shown to all staff. Bio-engineer projects have been conducted for the past 2 years on Pistol Creek for erosion prevention during flood events. They will be conducted Chem. & Bio sampling to evaluate/compare water quality improvements from past sampling. On-site facility inspection conducted of their Operations Center. Inlets at dumpsters and wash bay have debris separators and are cleaned out every 3 months or as needed. Area behind dumpsters and on other side of the fence line has a lot of trash and debris that needs to be cleaned up on a regular basis. At back gravel lot near pothole machine, there is a lot of drainage coming off the back hill. Recommended installing a gravel berm along the fence line to prevent any off-site transport of pollutants. On-site holding pond is in good shape, however, there are trees on the back berm. Recommended they cut them off to leave stumps to help maintain integrity of berm.