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10988City of Chattanooga1001 Lindsey AveHamiltonChattanooga

Inspection Details

Stormwater MS4 Compliance Evaluation
In Compliance

Overall, the City’s illicit discharge detection and elimination program has been established, the staff is trained, and the program implementation meet the requirements of the NPDES Permit TNS068063. However, some updates to the City’s field screening program and annual reporting are required. Specifically, the City reported that they discontinued performing their field screening activities after five years of receiving coverage under the permit. The City’s explanation was that the permit had expired and that the requirement had been fulfilled. Again, while the permit expired on November 30, 2015, it has been administratively extended until a new permit is issued authorizing the City’s MS4 discharges. Therefore, the permit is still in effect and field screening is still a required component of the City’s Stormwater Management Program. Additionally, the City is required to include the locations of known sanitary sewer leaks to the MS4 in annual reports.

Full implementation of the City’s IDDE program requires the following:

1. Implementing a field screening program
2. Including locations of know sanitary sewer leaks to the City’s MS4 in annual reports