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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
12588Water & Wastewater Authority of Wilson County - Sunset Harbor Treatment FacilityHidden Harbour DrWilsonNashville

Inspection Details

Compliance Evaluations (non-NPDES)
Out of Compliance
Fourth NOV- This site differs from the permit description. Currently, one sand filter is present with no Ultraviolet Disinfection which does not correspond with the 2021 issued permit modification which describes the system as having, “Septic tanks, effluent collection system, 2 recirculating sand filters (RSF), UV disinfection, and fenced drip irrigation system located at latitude 36.248160 and longitude -86.560460 in Wilson County, Tennessee to serve approximately 210 homes in the Sunset Harbor subdivision(s). The design capacity of the system is 0.063 MGD and will be dispersed on approximately 5.79 acres of suitable soils.” Mr. Knight indicated that both drip fields were similar in size but upon further electronic mapping investigation the two drip fields combined with active drip lines totaled approximately 2 acres. Neither the 2nd RSF nor the total 5.79 acres of drip lines have ever been built or installed. Furthermore, engineered plans for the 2nd RSF and UV system were never approved for construction.
Neither drip field had fully intact fences, with field 2 not having complete fences. With undisinfected, ponding water present; this is a threat to human health and the environment.
Due to the continued state of untreated wastewater ponding and leaving the site and the history of noncompliance this letter serves as notification of a formal referral to the Compliance and Enforcement Unit for potential further enforcement.