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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
5168Springfield Water and Wastewater Department - Wastewater Treatment Plant2705 Lawrence LaneRobertsonNashville

Inspection Details

Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
In Compliance
A current copy of the NPDES permit was available onsite, and Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR), Monthly Operating Reports (MOR), and bench sheets dating back at least three years were retained as required by the permit. Paperwork was clearly organized and easily produced.

The cracks observed in the aerated grit basin from the previous inspection were sealed and appeared to be maintained appropriately. The aeration basins appeared to be of normal color with no excessive scum or solids. Mr. Morrison provided a sludge depth measurement. A blanket depth of approximately one foot was observed. The effluent flowing through the weirs of the secondary clarifiers was clear. A buildup of algae was observed around the clarifier weirs but were being managed. Given the effectual nitrifying design of the WWTP, the effluent is nutrient-rich, which can promote excessive algae growth. Mr. Morrison notified the Division in a timely manner, providing updates until disinfection returned online on May 10, 2024, at 11:20 AM local time. The fence surrounding the UV system was also damaged by the flood waters. Mr. Morrison provided photo documentation of the completed repairs on June 13, 2024. The effluent observed entering Sulphur Fork Creek from Outfall 001 was clear and free of solids and did not appear to negatively impact the receiving waters. The information displayed on the signs posted at the outfall is current and visible from the receiving waters and the facility.