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5005Rogersville STP620 Flora LaneHawkinsJohnson City

Inspection Details

Compliance Assistance
Out of Compliance
Mr. Carpenter contacted me to ask about the MDL QA/QC parameter and wanted to know if what he had implemented thus far was sufficient. Since it was difficult to describe exactly what changes had been made over the phone, and due to the fact that it appeared he was implementing the wrong revision (revision 1 instead of 2), he requested I make a site visit. While there, I reviewed the QA/QC parameters he had begun (pH, DO, TRC, BOD) and advised him on what else needed to be implemented in order to meet permit compliance. He has completed SOPs for TRC and TSS and created new bench sheets for all in-house monitoring parameters. They have conducted initial MDL spikes for TRC, but have not yet performed initial MDL blanks. They have not begun DOCs yet, and SM editorial revision dates have not yet been added onto bench sheets. Additionally, they were missing some QA/QC parameters on the new bench sheets: ICV/CCV and duplicates for pH, blanks for TSS, duplicates for SS*, and method blanks, ICV, and duplicates for TRC. The facility is still not in compliance, but they are actively working towards it.
*Mr. Carpenter stated he has ordered another imhoff cone that will be used to conduct duplicate for SS.