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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
4919Clarksville Gas and Water dba Clarksville Wastewater Treatment Plant15 Quarry RoadMontgomeryNashville

Inspection Details

Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
JCL 1-24-13 SWPPP did not contain all components set forth in the TMSP (Site map and non storm water discharge certification). Failure to have a updated SWPPP. Failure to conduct monitoring set forth in Sector T of the TMSP. NOI signatory person/operator no longer works there. Site Contact is Jeff Uhler and Official contact is now Kevin Buchanan.

JCL 1-25-13 1st Draft Letter sent for review to JRS/BGL
JCL 1-28-13 Waiting on AMM/JRS to decide if operator change should be included in NOV or address through the CO.

JCL 2-19-13. final draft approved and mailed.