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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
6639Memphis Ready Mix Denie Road Plant1029 John A Denie RoadShelbyMemphis

Inspection Details

Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
In Compliance
Mr. Cliff Caudle and Mrs. Lindsay Barrios, TDEC-DWR, MEFO met with Mr. Keith Walker (Physical Plant Manager) and Ms. DiAne Gordon of Environmental Consulting and Testing (ECT) to conduct a CEI at the site.

Minor discrepancy with 2013 Storm Water DMR – corrected and forwarded to MEFO; flow in GPD instead of MGD on Process Water DMRs.

Maintain BMPs at the facility to ensure compliance with all permit parameters, including TSS, as specified in Subparts 4.1 and 5.2; insure that Process Water and Storm Water DMRs are signed prior to submittal to the Division.