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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
6639Memphis Ready Mix Denie Road Plant1029 John A Denie RoadShelbyMemphis

Inspection Details

In Compliance
The large amount of waste concrete observed at the site in the January 2020 inspection had been reduced significantly. The recycled concrete material forming the exposed slope observed west of the southwest site corner in the previous inspection had been removed, leaving only a grass-covered gravel substrate. The site perimeter block wall had been extended so that it ran from the outfall down the west side of the site, then east along the south side of the site along the Greenline Trail to its junction with the existing south perimeter berm. As a result, all drainage is now directed into the multi-basin treatment system.
The grayish-white cementitious material below Outfall 001 had been removed to the extent practicable and Best Management Practices had been enhanced, including a berm to prevent direct runoff from the recycled concrete area to the outfall, and additional check dams along the final concrete swale from the treatment basins.
DWR personnel recommended to site personnel that an alternate location for truck washouts be designated and washouts directly into the basins be stopped to prevent high suspended solids from discharging from the basins. However, at the time of the inspection, it appeared that Memphis Ready Mix was managing the Denie Road Plant according to permit requirements.