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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
123017Davis Creek Energy, LLC, Area # 6 (Alden Resource, LLC)Westborne LaneCampbellKnoxville

Inspection Details

In Compliance
A follow-up inspection was conducted after being notified by Mike Erp that Alden Resources, LLC seeded the toe of the landslide extending into the water feature on 6/2/2023. At the time of inspection the hydroseeded grass was several inches tall. Inspectors could not identify any sprouting or seeds from the wetland mix, but germination might have not occured. The company also addressed the drainage issue on the pre-mining landslide as requested. The toe of the landslide extending into the water feature should be monitoried and re-seeded with a cover such as annual rye if germination of the wetland mix does not occur.

TDEC will coordinate with the permittee to finalize the functional capacity units generated from the restoration efforts.