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5275Berry's Chapel Utility STP180 Cottonwood DriveWilliamsonNashville

Inspection Details

Performance Audit (PAI)
Inspection on 9-21,22-11 BGL findings: Very organized records and SOP manual. However, still need to develop a QA/QC program. Summer insoluble analytical results Phosphorus and TKN were reported incorrectly. Test America's results for dissolved results were reported instead. Corrected MOR and DMRs for the Summer months including other revisions will be submitted. Settleable solids were collected as a composite instead of a grab sample as directed by their current permit. The outfall sign stills needs modification of their outfall sign to reflect their name change from Lynnwood STP to Berry's Chapel Utility STP. CBOD dilutions for the effluent samples (200, 300mL) did not contain sufficient nutrients for the microorganisms to eat (see 21st ed, SM 5219, section 5.c.2). Effluent CBOD results should be considered invalid. NOV sent