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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
53475Memphis Regional Intermodal Facility (IMF) - Norfolk Southern Railway Company3000 Norfolk Southern WayFayetteMemphis

Inspection Details

Stormwater Construction Non-Sampling
In Compliance
The emphasis of the inspection was on the areas specified in the Consent Order, as follows: 1) in the vicinity of the slotted concrete outfall structure for permanent basin 4 (Area 1); 2) the rip-rap flume down the eastern slope near light pole 115 (Area 2); and 3) the upper slope in the vicinity of light pole 129 above the eastern conveyance (Area 3).

The site in general, and specifically Areas 1, 2, and 3 listed above, appeared to be fully stabilized at the time of the inspection, either by vegetative cover or by equivalent permanent stabilization measures including rip-rap and cementitious geosynthetic composite matting.