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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
10999Brownsville MS4111 North WashingtonHaywoodJackson

Inspection Details

Stormwater MS4 Compliance Evaluation
In Compliance
Based on the inspection findings, full implementation of the City of Brownsville’s construction site stormwater runoff control program requires the below listed actions to be taken. Additionally, the Division requests that the City provide a written response by October 21, 2019, describing what steps have or will be taken to address these actions.
• Revise the City’s ordinances to be consistent with the CGP for design storm, riparian buffer, and sediment basin requirements;
• Ensure that procedures for priority sites which include pre-construction meetings with construction-site operators are implemented;
• Ensure that procedures for construction site plan review which include a review of CGP technical standards are implemented; and
• Ensure that deficiencies observed during construction inspections are appropriately communicated to the site owner/developer.