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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
14886Town of Arlington Wastewater Treatment PlantNorth of CSX Railroad, West of Hwy 385, South of the Loosahatchie RiverShelbyMemphis

Inspection Details

Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
In Compliance
At the time of the inspection the STP was in compliance with its NPDES permit. However, the STP reported 200 exceedances for the reporting period from February 2021 through February 2023. The STP was under a Director's Order (DO). A final CAP was submitted in May 2021. Improvement to the STP were undertaken to address the numerous ammonia exceedances under the DO. The CAP attributed the exceedances to insufficient air in the reactors. New turbine blowers were installed to provide more aerations to the reactors. No exceedances were reported in February 2023.