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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
4919Clarksville Gas and Water dba Clarksville Wastewater Treatment Plant15 Quarry RoadMontgomeryNashville

Inspection Details

CSO Inspection Non-Sampling
In Compliance
The monitoring plan for CSO discharges submitted to the Division in June 2021 was implemented in the fourth quarter of 2021 and is anticipated to be completed by the third quarter of 2023. The LTCP, SORP, and CMOM were reviewed prior and during the inspection.

Clarksville currently has three CSO discharge points within the collection system that discharge into the Barkley Reservoir of the Cumberland River. Two of these points discharge limited untreated combined wastewater; a third point discharges untreated storm and wastewater. The current permit requires the collection of composite samples during the first 4 hours of a discharge event. The composite samplers were available but could not adequately cool the samples to the required temperatures. The Division recommended the sample jugs be placed on ice, which should be an adequate solution given the duration of the sample event..The 3.0 million-gallon equalization tank at the Gallows Hollow site was brought online in 2022. All three outfalls have significantly reduced their frequency of discharges since 2021 inspection.

Clarksville is carrying out the Nine Minimum Controls for reducing the impact of CSO discharges and continues to work to improve its operation and the capability of the Clarksville STP.