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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
33386DSH & Associates Lakeside Estates WWTPWaterfront TrailsCampbellKnoxville

Inspection Details

Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
Minor Deficiency Noted
A complaint was received in the KEFO regarding a sewage leak into Norris Lake. The complaint was received prior to a scheduled inspection. The leaking sewage complaint had some validity, but the situation has already been resolved.
Additional septic tanks are being installed at this site because a few houses were built larger than what was accepted. The 10 bedroom homes needed additional septic tanks, but no land remains on individual lots. Therefore, a different lot has been designated to have the 6 new 1500 gal tanks. These tanks are currently being covered with soil, but last week's freezing temperatures froze a ball check valve atop one of the tanks.
The cracked ball valve was emitting a dripping leak that stayed on the lot, and did not flow to the lake as the complaint suggested. The tanks are now being covered with soil (and the associated piping), and this problem should not occur again.
Currently, only 26 of 410 lots have homes and are in use (some seasonal rentals and some perennial residents). The STP only has 4 Advantex pods at this time, and the drip area is only 2-3 acres in size.
This system is in good order. 2 Nitrate violations in 3&4Q12, but this parameter is omitted from the draft permit that has been on notice, and will be issued soon. No problems persist at this site at this time.