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Site IDParent SiteLocationCountyEFO
6485City of Waverly Duck River WTP AKA Waverly Water System3552 Old SR-1HumphreysNashville

Inspection Details

Compliance Eval (non-sampling) (CEI)
Minor Deficiency Noted
9/30/10, wastewater generated from cleaning settling basins and filter backwash is discharged without treatment and flows from plant property, through adjoining property, to county roadside ditch and also under county road to property on the other side of road and down drainage channel. The drainage channels from the plant down through the woods, the county roadside ditch, and the drainage channel on the downslope side of the road contain large quantities of thick sediment deposits, up to 7 inches deep.
Previous reports indicated the flow was absorbed into the ground on the plant property, and as a result the system was allowed to report "no discharge" and not sample or run analysis on discharge, this should be reconsidered given this latest information.
No permit on file, DMRs were on file. AER
Operator later reported another discharge point. Letter was sent requiring sampling of both wastewater outfalls, reporting of discharge flow & analysis results on DMRs, construction of a treatment system, development a means of sludge disposal, & posting of signs. AER