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    Ask TDEC
    Stormwater - Construction

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Mark Williams Clearing and Grubbing
    Haley Drive
    Clearing, Grubbing & Stabilizing Site for future development
    EFO Name
    Site Owner

    Investigation Results

    Referred to MS4

    Description and Writeup


    A Notice of Violation dated June 2nd was sent via Certified Mail to the owner/developer of Brookmeade townhomes. It contained a requirement to stop work, stabilize the site, install erosion control measures, submit a SWPPP, obtain (and post on site) a Notice of Coverage, maintain inspection records on site, and obtain an ARAP for continued disturbance of the wetlands. It also required the submission of a corrective action plan within 15 days. There are no documents available in DataViewer or FileNet which indicate that any of the required actions have been completed or even initiated.

    Construction work has continued since that time, including the delivery of additional building materials and fill. No efforts to remove trash, install ECM, or stabilize the site have been noted. On July 11th the Mayor was provided with a copy of the NOV and specifically asked (in the absence of a City Administrator/Manager or Stormwater Coordinator) to ensure that the developer came into compliance, but these issues remain unaddressed. While this is just one of numerous instances of disregard for the Clean Water Act, direct orders from TDEC, and water quality in the Manchester area, it is particularly crucial as the developer is the Chairman of our Planning Commission. The environmental and regulatory apathy of multiple elected, appointed, and contracted officials in Manchester sets a troubling precedent which could compromise future attempts at enforcement whenever "the city" decides to implement the 2015 Stormwater Ordinance and related programs/plans.

    Please follow-up on this site which was initially reported to TDEC in August of 2022. (The new sewer line installed last fall in a public right-of-way above chronic manholes has not yet been addressed in any correspondence or complaint records.)

    Sarah Bradley