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    Ask TDEC
    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    19-MAR-2020 09:44AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    City of Lebanon Gasification Plant dba Lebanon Waste Water Treatment Plant
    321 Hartmann Drive
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    City of Lebanon

    Investigation Results

    Referred to other Agency
    City of Lebanon
    City of Lebanon Sewer Dept.

    Description and Writeup

    We are possibly having an issue with subsurface infiltration into the sewer system impacting our properties.

    We as neighbors, have met and discussed on several occasions with the City of Lebanon, developers, civil design engineers and HOA Board the issue of runoff and sewage related problems. We continue to experience large volumes of storm runoff from the golf course upstream into the street and into our properties. Soil erosion is a major issue as well with this situation. This has been happening for sometime.

    The city has put in writing that the runoff is directly impacting us from the golf course upstream and that the approved storm management plan from 2003 was never fully implemented. A civil design report has stated the source of the runoff from the golf course and the original approved storm management plan does not handle the large volume of runoff. We are not in a flood plan zone.

    The runoff flows through a forest behind our homes into the properties and street directly from the golf course.

    How can TDEC help address this situation and stop the sewage issue and soil erosion?

    Our neighbors would welcome the opportunity to meet with a TDEC representative. We have video footage but it won't upload in this format.

    Thank you for your consideration!

    Contacted Lebanon collection system staff. They were not aware of overflows at that location but would send someone to investigate. In addition, they will review service calls and overflow reports to determine if there have been any overflows in that location. 3/12/20

    Followed up with Lebanon on 3/17/20. In June 2018, the city received a call about the location. They found that a 6 inch clean out from the private service lateral was broken and allowing rain water to directly enter the collection system. Collection system staff went to the area on 3/12/20 and did not find any evidence of overflows. They are in the process of replacing several upstream manholes covers with watertight lids to prevent inflow into the collection system. The city spoke with the complainant and his neighbors; they said they have seen it overflow twice since July 2018 but could not provide specific dates. The city has not received any service calls or reports of overflows in that area since July 2018. They have staff checking the area today after receiving heavy rain to see if any overflows occur in that neighborhood.

    Lebanon called on 3/19/20 to provide additional information about the situation. The only time the complainant observed the manhole overflowing was in June 2018; the other occurrences he referred to were regarding stormwater flooding his yard. They provided the complainant with the contact information for the local MS4 group to address his flooding concerns.