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    Voice Mail
    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    28-MAR-2008 03:07PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    City of Lebanon Gasification Plant dba Lebanon Waste Water Treatment Plant
    321 Hartmann Drive
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    City of Lebanon

    Investigation Results

    No Problem Found

    Description and Writeup

    Karen Leidy, Lebanon, 429-9763, 724-910-7500 cell - moved to Lebanon from PA 3 wk ago, substance running alongside house resembles raw sewage, dog was in ravine, had to clean him up, got it on her hands, disgusting, in S/D on septic but not regular, community sewage, haven't been able to reach anyone in the local dept, wondering if the substance could be tested, if the EPA takes any measure in doing that, it smells bad & is disgusting & it is running on her property, she is very upset. - original complaint by voice mail
    could not reach her at either #
    called Jim Stinnett, Adenus Operations - not one of their systems
    finally reached Ms Liedy - told her that due to it being late on Fri, we couldn't do anything today. asked her to call Lebanon Public Works for assistance & gave her the #.
    She said someone had been out earlier - possibly from the City. She didn't get a name. He saw something bubbling out of the ground. He didn't know where the lines went u/s from there & would have to research that. - MRT 8/3/07
    called Ms Liedy - she didn't contact Lebanon Public Works - MRT 8/6/07
    called Lebanon Public Works, 444-0825, talked to Butch Arnold - he had been to the site & didn't think it was sewage. He said they would sample for E coli today - MRT 8-7-07
    call from Butch Arnold - they found no E coli, only a few odd colonies, so it appears there is no sewage - MRT 8/9/07
    called Billy Drains, Lebanon STP - he thought they were going to get another sample, he was going to get Envir Sci to run Tot Coliform. Sample was clear w/some sediment, sulfide smell but probably not raw sewage, he found some fluoride in it - MRT 8/13/07
    message from Billy Drains - he collected another sample - MRT 8/14/07
    message from Billy Drains - sample collected 8/14/07, E coli 89 col/100 ml, 16 deg C, Fl 0.37 - MRT 8/16/07