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    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    Overflow signage
    02-JUL-2021 01:56PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Rogersville STP
    620 Flora Lane
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Johnson City
    Site Owner
    Town of Rogersville

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    Rogersville STP

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Mr. Mike Humphries called at 8:14 am on July 1, 2021 to ask why the Town of Rogersville had a permit that allowed them to legally dump raw sewage into the creek in front of his house. This was in regard to an overflow/release sign that had been installed at the Lena Drive pump station in front of his home. (Note: The Town had installed signs at both 114 Lena Drive and the Lena Drive pump station, however it was only the asset at 114 Lena Drive that had over 5 overflows in the past year to necessitate the signage.) Mr. Humphries was advised that Rogersville does not have a permit that allows them to discharge raw sewage, but that the signage was required based on their NPDES permit as a result of the number of overflows that have occurred in that location. He was also advised that a Compliance Review Meeting (CRM) was scheduled for that morning and that TDEC staff would contact him again after the meeting. During the CRM, Rogersville personnel explained the work they have undertaken thus far to address the collection system problems, including 3300 linear feet of cured in place pipe and the Lena Drive pump station re-build which was completed in June 2021. Johnson City EFO staff informed Rogersville of the complaint that had been received that morning. Following the CRM, Mr. Joshua Boggan and Ms. Bri Begley called Mr. Humphries back to relay to him the work that has been done by Rogersville, explain the purpose of the signage, and further discuss his concerns. Mr. Humphries expressed concern and frustration that his neighbors are unable to use their bathrooms during heavy rain events, and also that the creek into which the sewage overflows is a tributary of Big Creek, which he believed to be the source water for the Rogersville Drinking Water plant. Furthermore, he stated the Rogersville Water Department has in the past placed straw bales around the manhole at the end of his driveway and left them until they began growing mushrooms, and also that there is still toilet paper on the ground from the last overflow (in March). Mr. Boggan explained to Mr. Humphries the compliance and enforcement procedure and told him that the field office is aware of the problems and will continue to monitor them - if they are not fixed, further action will be taken. Later that day, Ms. Begley called Mr. Travis Carpenter to inform him that Mr. Humphries said there is still toilet paper around the manhole and Mr. Carpenter stated he would send someone out to look at it and clean as necessary.