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    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    23-MAY-2023 03:07PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Denzil Bowman Wastewater Treatment Plant (Greeneville STP)
    4520 Old Asheville Highway
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Johnson City
    Site Owner
    City of Greeneville

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    Greeneville Water Commission

    Description and Writeup

    Complainant is a former GWC employee who reported that GWC pumper/vac trucks were dumping raw sewage onto the ground at the site of the old Greeneville Wastewater Treatment Plant. Complainant said there are cows grazing on the property and they routinely walk through the raw sewage that has been dumped and they were concerned that the "meat cows" could become infected and pass that onto humans who eat the meat.

    See "Action (Interim Steps Taken)" for detailed description of site and on-site investigation.

    Mr. Dane Cutshaw spoke with Mr. Mayhew via phone on May 3, 2023 and advised him that division staff had gone onsite and investigated the complaint and subsequently, GWC has been instructed to immediately begin cleaning the accumulated material from the drying beds and dispose of it in a landfill. The division is scheduled to have a meeting with GWC representatives on May 15, 2023 to discuss details of potential future use of drying beds.

    Meeting with GWC representatives held via Teams on May 15, 2023. GWC stated the drying beds have not been used since they were notified of the complaint. GWC agreed to remove material from the drying beds and dispose in landfill, presently awaiting pollutant analysis results that are required for special waste permit from landfill. GWC agreed to investigate where the drain line from the drying beds drain to and install a new line from drying beds to main sewer line, will provide "as built" to the division when complete. Once new line is installed, GWC agreed to keep the debris pushed away from the creek on opposite side to prevent solids from entering creek, will also begin keeping a log book in the vac truck to document each load deposited at drying beds. Action plan will be sent to division by end of week.