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    Voice Mail
    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    22-AUG-2018 10:01AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Mountain City WWTP
    1022 Lumpkin Branch Rd.
    Mountain City
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Johnson City
    Site Owner
    Town of Mountain City

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    Town of Mountain City

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Mr. Danny Sims, Town of Mountain City reported an 8-11-18 bypass of the WWTP from the WWTP drainage pump station due to a transformer issue. Approximately 300,000 gallons as noted from the WWTP flow chart bypassed into the adjacent field. The No. 1 clarifier drainage was shut off on 8-12-18 when the bypass was observed. This action caused the bypass to stop. Ms. Sandra Vance-DWR (SKV) contacted Mr. Chris Atwood, Town of Mountain City on 8-13-18 and he indicated lime had been spread over the wastewater material in the field. He also indicated that when the WWTP drainage pump station pumps ceased operating, the wastewater from the no. 1 clarifier backed up into the manhole beside the pump station causing it to overflow. The autodialer failed to contact WWTP personnel when the pump station ceased operating. The WWTP drainage pump station was pumped down. A report will be sent to the Johnson City EFO. SKV contacted Mr. Danny Sims, Town of Mountain City on 8-17-18 and he indicated the autodialer was reprogrammed and in operation, the pump station was in operation, and a new transformer was obtained for the pump station. Drainage along the WWTP driveway has been diverted to not flow onto the adjacent field. Also, approximately 5,000 lbs of lime were placed on the wastewater material. Finally, he indicated a voltage fluctuation could have affected the pump station. He will contact the power company about the voltage concern. The report received on 8-20-18 indicated, "This occurred on August 11th at approximately 3:40 p.m. and overflowed 2 manholes along with the driveway until found at 9:10 a.m. on August 12th. I closed the #1 clarifier drain and the overflow stopped at 9:12 a.m. The best estimate I can give based on the effluent flow chart is 300,000 gallons. The slurry ran on both sides of the driveway into the drainage ditch and onto the Worley Farm. It did not reach the receiving waters or the Worley pond. The area has been limed. We are awaiting word from Mr. Worley as to clean up of the spill. The cause was failure of the plant drainage pump station and the chatterbox not calling me. It has since been reprogrammed."