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    Stream Alteration


    Spruce Creek Acres-River Walk Trail
    Proctor Place Rd
    Spruce Creek Acres

    Investigation Results


    Description and Writeup

    Complainant stated the following in their email:

    "Good morning-I'm seeking assistance, action &/or guidance regarding a horse trail that was created that lays directly in a creek.
    I frequent an area in Fentress County, the Big South Fork quite often for horseback riding. I have been made aware that there is a newly created "horse trail", by a developer and land owner, that lays directly within Crockett Creek which connects to a larger Laurel Fork Creek which then connects to North White Oak Creek.
    I love horse trails, am a big advocate for trail riding and equestrian "rights" however I believe creating a "trail" within a creek is irresponsible and seriously detrimental to the water way, the water quality, the soil within the creek bed, erosion etc. with its high usage.
    This land owner/developer permits public riders and encourages usage from the development which it is in Spruce Creek Acres.
    I ask that an authority investigate and cease this destructive "trail".
    As far as I know this "River Walk Trail" is at the end of Proctor Place Rd within Spruce Creek Acres and is owned by South Fork Properties, Ricky Rains/Ricky Roe.
    Attached is a photo of a rider standing in said "trail"

    Thank you for your attention to what I consider a potentially serious environmental matter."