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    Voice Mail
    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    08-MAY-2024 07:34AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Water & Wastewater Authority of Wilson County - Sunset Harbor Treatment Facility
    Hidden Harbour Dr
    Mount Juliet
    Septic tanks, effluent collection system, recirculating sand filter and 10.74 acre drip irrigation
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Water & Wastewater Authority of Wilson County

    Investigation Results

    Referred to other Agency
    Chris Leauber

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    • TDEC first notified around 9am on 5/1/2024, second notification around 10-10:30, from citizens, that a “sinkhole” had opened in Wyndhaven Bay rd., and that there was water flowing in the hole and it was believed to be sewage.
    • TDEC Contacted WWAWC because the Sunset Harbor WWTP serves the subdivision.
    • WWAWC had already contacted their contractor who had been to the site and reported that the water in the hole had chlorine in it and it did not smell like sewage.
    • TDEC Contacted WWUD who reported they had also already been on site and did not find any water line leaks, WWUD said they would go back to the site. WWUD also reported they observed sewage running over land from the wastewater system and going underground and possibly following their waterline.
    • TDEC again contacted WWAWC, and was informed that Chris L. was in route to the site.
    • TDEC was informed that the sinkhole was small and more along the lines of a washout not something swallowing cars.
    • Afternoon of 5/1 TDEC was informed that WWUD was going to dig some test pits to confirm no water line leaks.
    • 5/2 TDEC informed that WWUD’s test pits had found no leaks and pressure testing confirmed.
    • 5/2 TDEC informed that WWAWC contractor had collected an e.Coli sample and other samples to double check the water is not wastewater.
    • 5/2 by end of the day no clear source of the water in the sinkhole but both WWUD and WWAWC believe it could be ground water.
    Sample results provided E. coli 93, ammonia nitrogen 0.307 mg/L
    Determined to likely be groundwater