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    Voice Mail
    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    19-NOV-2009 12:10PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Harpeth Valley Utility District STP
    4063 Old Hickory Blvd.
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Harpeth Valley Utility District STP

    Investigation Results

    Referred to other Agency
    Meg Erwin - 7764 Sawyer Brown Rd

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    complaint: she is Secratary of Bella Cove HOA, problem w/polluted water coming up through some asphalt near her home on a neighbors property, trying to figure out what to do with this situation.
    7/22/09, MRT called Kathleen Teasdale. Bella Cove is on Sawyer Brown Rd. They have a private rd to condos (duplex). The problem is at 7764 - Meg Erwin. HVUD tested water, report dated 1/9/08, 2419.6 cfu E. coli. Erwin says it's not her sewer. They are connected w/grinder pumps. Residents at the back have to drive thru this water to access their units.
    7/23/09, MRT called Wayne Ursery, HVUD. Relayed the info to him. They have a FM down that private rd. The customer owned/maintained grinder pumps tie onto it. They will check on it.
    7/27/09, call from Wayne Ursery, HVUD. They dug up the wet spot in pavement. Found problem in a coupling in the customers line to the FM. They will contact the customer to have repairs made.
    8/24/09, Teasdale left message that leak has not been repaired.
    8/25/09, MRT called Ursery. He again contacted Erwin. She had called Mr Rooter to make repairs. They couldn't find leak & she was sick. She called them back & repairs are to be made 8/27 or 28. HVUD to inspect work before it is covered.
    8/25/09, MRT called Teasdale, told her HVUD still working w/Erwin to get repairs made.
    9/18/09 message from Teasdale that repairs still not made.
    MRT called Ursery, He had been out twice when Erwin plumber would be there. No one showed up either time.
    10/6/09, MRT called Metro HD. They said sewage would have to be surfacing for them to take action. They will go look at it.
    11/2/09, Teasdale called to say repairs still had not been made.
    11/3/09, MRT went to site & spoke w/Meg Erwin. She had been getting funds together to have repairs made. They should be completed next week. She is to contact Wayne Ursery, HVUD to inspect repair.
    11/19/09, MRT called Ursery. He said repairs were completed on 11/13/09 by Ben Franklin Plumbing. Connection tested good.