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    Stream Alteration
    Disturbance from a permitted ARAP NR2201.095 potentially affecting private drinking water wells.


    Road crossing for Sivils Inlet Estates
    County Road 5

    Investigation Results


    Description and Writeup

    Good morning, My name is Cindy Smith. My husband Fred Smith and I live at 181 County Rd 5 in Calhoun, Tn. Your staff helped us once before by checking our water source that had been disturbed by a new construction project adjacent to our property. My question is this. Some months back when we had received a tremendous amount of rain, there was quite a bit of water damage done to the new road. They have been working to correct it using excavators etc. Previously we changed our filters once monthly, but we are having to change them weekly due to a significant increase in the amount of dirt and mud that is collecting, even when it is not raining. I’m not sure if someone could inspect the site again to ensure there are no problems structurally, or if we should just get our water tested or both. If you have any suggestions I would be very grateful.”