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    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    31-JUL-2009 10:14AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    City of Franklin dba Franklin Water Reclamation Facility
    135 Claude Yates Drive
    Bank Stabilization and Force Main Relocation
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Franklin WWTP

    Investigation Results

    Referred to other Agency
    Franklin STP

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Complaint: Stream runs thru his property, terrible odor, smells like an outhouse, got a lot of contamination in it, a lot of stuff in it, looks like sewage, Franklin said they don't think it is sewage but they haven't sampled it, can't get somebody to sample it to see what it is, smells like sewage
    7/24/09, MRT called William Sullivan, Franklins CS, 415-0309. He wasn't sure if he had been to this site or not. Gave him Winters phone #.
    Sullivan called back, this is at Hwy 96W & Glass Ln. There is a very large spring fed lake across rd from him. They used to run aerators but don't anymore. He was out there a few weeks ago w/MS4 person. There is some bad odor but he doesn't think it is sewage. He put permanganate in sewer for several days never saw it in lake or stream. They will sample on Mon.
    7/24/09, MRT called Winters. He has raked some black jelly like material from the stream & it was back in a day or so. They drained the lake last yr to remove material but it started coming back soon after lake refilled. The owners of the lake blame the runoff from the park. He asked what could be done. Possibly start aerating again. He said there's been no aeration since he's lived there - about 3 yr.
    7/31/09, Sullivan called to say sampling results were faxed to MRT. E coli 13 MPN/100 mL & fecal coliform range 6-14 cfu/100mL. pH 8.2 no apparent contribution from sewage indicated. Problem appears to be from naturally decomposing algae. Franklin MS4 personnel will take another look at it.