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    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    Line crossing
    10-JAN-2019 10:32AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Johnson City Knob Creek WWTP
    509 Austin Springs Road
    Johnson City
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Johnson City
    Site Owner
    City of Johnson City

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    Third Party Damage

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Bryan Carter (BBC)-Division of Water Resources (DWR) reported observing a line exposed in the channel of one of the tributaries crossed by the Austin Springs Water Line project (ARAP No. NR1706.045)in Johnson City. The line was either a water line or an emergency sewer line repair and was installed in the evening of 9-14-18. Also, the lines were too close together if water and sewer lines were both present. SKV contacted Mr. Jeff Harmon, City of Johnson City on 9-24-18 and he indicated the contactor, Mike Smith Pump Service ran over a sanitary sewer lateral line from a residence across the street on 9-14-18. The City repaired the lateral line on 9-14-18. A permanent repair of replacing the lateral line and encasing it in concrete will be done by the contractor the week of 9-24-18 with the City present. Also, the lateral line will be placed to go straight to the City manhole and will not be located beside the water line. SKV advised Mr. Harmon to send in a report on the suspected overflow and to keep her informed about the progress on the line replacement. The report received on 9-26-18 indicated the suspected overflow was due to "3rd Party Damage-Contractor Error Damage to Lateral." The location was at 114 S. Austin Springs Rd., Johnson City. The following corrective actions were taken: initial-"TV Sewer Lateral," follow up-"Repaired sewer lateral," and additional corrective action-"Contractor to reroute lateral."