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    Stormwater - Construction
    20-DEC-2024 07:25AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Complaint ID No. 133025
    111 Boyd St
    Ashland City
    EFO Name
    Site Owner

    Investigation Results

    No Problem Found

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    09/04/2024 To Whom it Concerns: I am an Ashland City, Cheatham County resident. I was initially directed by the TDEC Central Office to email Mr. Jeff Fields regarding this matter. Mr. Fields promptly called me about my email, discussed my issues, and directed me to email your office about this problem. Two additional Ashland City residents, Steven Stratton and Phil LaCrosse, have or will email you with concerns and site photodocumentation. I live at 103 Boyd Street. Our property (1.9 acres) is adjacent to and downgradient from a proposed development at 111 Boyd Street (2.2 acres). The development site was cleared of trees and loose fill, dirt/rock, spread on a 30+degree slope with no erosion control measures installed other than incorrectly installed silt fencing which has failed. Black Creek, a Blue Line creek, and tributary to the Cumberland River borders the property on the North. The creek is has received substantial sediment loading from the site during the last several months. Myself and other downstream property owners are witnessing the impacts. The Ashland City Building Codes Office has been contacted many times about this site. We were informed many weeks ago that the "State" had been contacted and had made a site visit. Mr. Fields could find no record of City contact and had no record of a General Construction Permit having been issued for the site. City Codes has not given any clear answers. There has been no activity at the site for the past three weeks other than some ineffectual, minor terracing and the improper installation, and failure, of new silt fence along the north slope. No other erosion control measures have been installed. I know your offices are very busy. I am requesting that TDEC assign Mr. Fields or other staff to try and get this site evaluated and stabilization activities started as soon as possible. We will continue to try to work with the City on this. Thank you for your time and efforts. Please contact me with any questions or comments.