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    Other Agency
    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    20-DEC-2018 02:19PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Portland STP
    124 Morningside Drive
    WWTP Expansion includes: installation of (1) Headworks Structure, (1) SBR Basin, (1) Tertiary Disk Filter, (1) Chlorine Contact Basin, (1) Pump Station, EQ Basin modifications, aeration grid and blowers, grading, pavement, and accessory items.
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    City of Portland, Tennessee

    Investigation Results

    Referred to other Agency
    City of Portland
    City of Portland

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Received a forwarded email from EPA regional tip/complaint address:

    -----Original Message-----
    12/14/2018 5:50 PM
    HQ LEAD NUMBER: FY19-180497-3709-CV
    SUBJECT: Regional Tip and/or Complaint - Tennessee

    Name: Mikki Hesson
    Phone: 6153239863

    Alleged Violator's Name: City of Portland
    Alleged Violator's Address: 105 drakewood dr
    Alleged Violator's City: Portland
    Alleged Violator's State: Tennessee
    Alleged Violator's Zip: 37148
    Submitter IP Address:
    Tip or Complaint: The City of Portland has untreated waste water discharge points that overflow when it rains. Two are in my private yard, at 105 Drakewood Dr., and flow into my yard and the creek, affecting the lake across the street and endangering my kids. The stuff on the surface of the lake just doesn't look right. Nasty looking. These things are positioned mere feet from the creek and lake. The city guys just come around and sprinkle some white powder on it every now and then. This is not treated wastewater. It says as much on the sign next to the holes. "untreated wastewater". Leaking right next to a lake and in my yard?! This isn't Zimbabwe. These incidents are accidental overflow when it rains hard, and I know there's sewage in it. It gets a thick nasty growth all around the area, and tomatoes grow in it. so its all being fertilized with somebody's tomato seed poop.
    Violation Still Occurring? Yes
    State DEP/DEQ/DEM Notified? No

    The complainant was contacted on 12/18/18. There is a manhole located in her yard that overflows frequently and is posted as a chronic overflow point. She stated that the city does clean-up the debris and disinfect the area following overflow events. She is concerned because her children play in the yard. I discussed the ongoing issues with Portland's collection system and the fact that they are currently under a consent order that sets deadlines and requirements for rehabbing the collection system. According to documents submitted by the City of Portland for the order, the manholes located in the complainant's yard have been identified as a high priority area for rehab efforts. I explained that, unfortunately, rehabbing a collection system with a lot of I & I problems will take some time and that improvements may not happen overnight. Will follow-up with the City of Portland to assess rehab efforts in this area of the collection system. LKS 12/20/18