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    01-APR-2022 10:17AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Clarksville Gas and Water dba Clarksville Wastewater Treatment Plant
    15 Quarry Road
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    City of Clarksville

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    Clarksville Gas and Water
    Brian Shelton

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Complainant called with concerns about activity occurring with the Clarksville sewer department. The city is pumping waste using a multi thousand-gallon pump truck then coming to his lot removing the manhole in the front yard and emptying the truck. complainant has asked them to utilize a manhole at a different location and been refused but is also concerned about why the system was designed in such a manner. He believes they have failed to build a pump station properly or altogether in the Griffy Estates subdivision adjacent to him. He was told in 2018 they would need to dump in his yard twice weekly, but he spoke with the mayor’s office and was able to get them to stop dumping at that location. The pump/dump started again this Tuesday.

    1-APR-22 Contacted Clarksville to discuss the situation. I spoke with Brian Shelton the senior director over sewer services in Clarksville. Mr. Shelton advised that a force main upgrade project was in the works which necessitated they pump sewage from the system. The upgrade work is done now and this was just a temporary shutdown. Additionally, Mr. Shelton had a locking manhole cover installed at the manhole in the complainants yard, he also advised crew to not use that manhole unless an emergency and noted this in the city's GIS mapping software. Furthermore Mr. Shelton had been in contact with the complainant and had already sent the email response below before I contacted him.

    From: Brian Shelton <>
    Date: Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 8:46 AM
    Subject: Manhole at XXX Buchanon Dr
    To: <>
    Cc: Mark Riggins <>

    Mr. XXXXX,

    As discussed in our previous conversation, our crews have installed a locking top manhole in your front yard located at XXX Buchanon Dr. This was done to deter crews from using the manhole to discharge our vacuum trucks into the sewer system at this location under non-emergency conditions. While Clarksville Gas and Water has the right and may need to operate within the utility easement to be able to access the sewer system for various reasons, from this point forward our standard operating procedures direct the disposal of the debris tanks at points other than the manhole on your property. We believe this to be the best course of action in preventing a similar situation from occurring in the future. Thank you for your patience with this matter.

    Brian Shelton
    Public Utilities Senior Director
    2215 Madison St
    Clarksville, TN 37043