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    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    29-OCT-2013 12:34PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Smyrna STP
    100 Jack Hunter Drive
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Smyrna Utilities

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    Town of Smyrna STP

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Complaint: Smyrna sewer incident - raw sewage hauled in open container on 10/9/13 spilled on Sam Ridley Pkwy. She drove thru the spilled material & it ruined her car. Smyrna assumed responsibility & paid $1300 in damages. ***
    On 10/16/13, MRT contacted Leland Nobles at the Smyrna STP. Nobles stated that on 10/9/13, the dump truck in question was hauling grease from the STP headworks. The truck was loaded with grease layered with wood chips. The truck was traveling north on Sam Ridley Pkwy when another truck pulled out of Fitzhugh Blvd right in front of him, causing him to have to brake hard. This caused part of the load to spill onto the road which covered about 45 yards. The fire dept & police were called. The cleanup was directed by the FD who were in contact w/Ruherford Co Emergency Management & treated as a bio-hazard. Lime was applied to the area & a backhoe used to scoop up the spilled material. The area was washed down & a vac truck used to collect the water upstream of the storm drain. A copy of the incident report was requested. ***
    On 10/18/13, MRT spoke w/Mike Roberts, Smyrna STP regarding the material spilled on Sam Ridley Pkwy. Roberts said the event occured at about 1415 hrs. The material was grease from the headworks. The tarp on the truck was in place. After the driver braked for the truck that pulled in front of him, he did not stop but instead radioed the STP to go see if he spilled anything. The driver continued on to the BFI Middle Point Landfill. This was the last of 3 loads hauled that day. ***
    On 10/21/13, MRT spoke w/Trooper Pedigo, THP regarding the type of material hauled by Smyrna STP. He stated that if the load would leak it should not be hauled in an open truck. Even using the wood chips did not make it OK to haul in an open truck. ***
    MRT contacted Roberts for info about the other loads hauled. Roberts said that 3 load were hauled the next day for a total of 6 loads. MRT notified Roberts not to haul material of this type in an open truck. ***
    MRT also contacted Greg Upham, Smyrna MS4. Upham agreed to check the stream for any grease material. Upham called MRT later on 10/21/13 to report he had not seen any material at the stream or along Sam Ridley Pkwy. ***
    On 10/23/13, MRT visited the site. A small amount of black material & some evidence of lime was observed on the rocks below the storm drain outlet for Sam Ridley Pkwy. The area was a small eddy bewteen 2 bridge columns. No black sediment was observed past the bridge columns or further downstream. MRT also went to the Smyrna STP to review incident information. The Smyrna STP was asked to flush the storm drain & collect the water at the culvert by the greenway w/their vac truck. They agreed to have this completed by 10/25/13. ***
    On 10/28/13, Roberts called to say they had completed the cleanout of the affected storm sewer at 0915 hours today. They used their jet truck & vac truck for this task.