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    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    18-JUL-2019 02:37PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Harpeth Valley Utilities District WTP
    5910 River Road
    General site page for all Water Resources related documents, complaints, enforcement, etc.
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Harpeth Valley Utilities District WTP

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved

    Description and Writeup

    Complaint: Plant officials called to report a permanganate leak from their WTP feed line. Permanganate has been observed in Overall Creek. The leak has been fixed however permanganate is still perking up into Overall Creek.

    Division staff arrived at the site on 08/15/13 to conduct the investigation:

    On 08-14-13, HVUD staff learned that the permanganate feed line was leaking near the feed point (basin). The leak was fixed on 08-14-13. On 08-15-13, a boater contacted HVUD staff and told them of the discolored water in Overall Creek. Staff conducted an investigation and noted a plume coming from the bed of the creek, approximately 3 feet below the surface and contacted Ann Morbitt,DWR. I (BNK) arrived at HVUD, mid-morning 08-15-13, and met with Travis Aslinger, Jay Tant, and Bruce Trotter regarding the notification of a permanganate discharge. I was given documentation that the feed rate of the permanganate was increased on 08-08-13 and was thought to be due to the heavy rains. Water system staff estimated that anywhere from 60 to 80 gallons per day could have been lost from 08-08-13 to 08-14-13, due to the leak. There was no evidence of surface runoff. Division staff along with HVUD staff went by boat into Overall Creek and observed the original plume and discovered a second plume that had appeared since the HVUD investigation earlier in the morning. The water in the area of the discharge was discolored and appears pink/purple. The affected area appears to cover approximately 200 feet along the bank and approximately 40 feet out into the channel of Overall Creek. DWR staff collected 3 routine samples for visual confirmation and 2 metals samples while on site. There was no evidence of harm to any aquatic life at the time. Photos were taken of the area and GPS coordinates were taken of the leak site, plume 1, and plume 2 during the investigation. All photos and coordinates are in the attached document below.

    Update: 08-22-13

    On 08-15-13 HVUD staff made a plan to remove the sodium permanganate from the creek by containing the chemical and pumping it out. Barrels were placed at the plume sites on the morning of 08-16-13 to capture the material and pump it out. Containment and pumping may only occur during daylight hours due to safety reasons. HVUD is sampling the creek at 12 sites to monitor residuals. As of 08-19-13, pumping continues at the plume sites. HVUD staff noted that concentrations increased over the weekend (08-16,17-13) but had decreased on 08-18-13 and 08-19-13. Photos and sampling data attached below show a decrease in the concentration of the Sodium Permanganate in Overall Creek.

    Update: 08/26/13

    On 08-23-13 Mr. Travis Aslinger with the Harpeth Valley Utility District provided further chemical analysis results and photographs regarding the Sodium Permanganate discharge. The analysis shows that plume 1 is completely clear with background concentration only. Plume 2 shows very little color with a measurement of 0.30 mg/L. No flowing plume is observable for either plume site and the surrounding area shows no color and all sample results are near normal background.

    Update: 08/29/13

    On 08-29-13, Mr. Aslinger with HVUD provided further chemical analysis results regarding the Permanganate discharge. No color was observed in either containment barrel on 08-23-13 at 1900 hours so pumping was discontinued and the barrels were removed. Monitoring of the area continued over the weekend and no color was observed. Final sampling was conducted on 08-25-13 and provided results consistent with normal background concentrations.