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    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    20-NOV-2023 02:44PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Petro Stopping Center #312
    722 Watt Road
    Gas station with nine regulated USTs and Truck stop with diesel AST connected to 2 unregulated USTs
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    T A Operating LLC

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    10/15/18 - The State Watch Point has opened Incident #2858 for the following,

    On October 15, 2018, at 1339, the State Watch Point received notification from ERTS of a 100 gallon diesel release onto the pavement. The release occurred at the Petro Stopping Center at 722 Watt Road in Knoxville, and was due to operator error. The diesel was released onto the pavement and did not reach any storm drains, waterways, or soils. Hepaco is on scene conducting remediation. No fires, injuries, or requests for TEMA assistance.

    10/16/2018 - Met onsite with Wayne Henline, Facility Technician. He showed me where the spill occurred. He stated that they have been having some technical issues with the readouts for the fuel levels. We followed the spill across the pavement into a concrete lined swale which leads to their pond. Hepaco used absorbent to cleanout the concrete channel and parking area. Waddles were also used to absorb and catch any residual fuel. Due to the large rain event Monday night, there is still some oily sheen easily observed on puddle in the concrete channel. This all leads to their pond. No discharge observed outside of the containment area. I informed Mr. Henline to properly dispose of the waddles once they are finished using them.

    10/17/2018 – Spoke with James Scott, Hepaco Project Manager, 865-219-0840. Mr. Scott stated that they received the call around 1pm and were onsite by 2pm. The diesel flowed into the concrete drain channel but did not make it to the pond. A vacuum truck was used to suck out all the standing liquid from concrete drainage. Clay absorbent was used on the concrete parking lot and ditch along with a skid steer with sweeper. The absorbent was re-applied multiple times until everything was cleaned and then loaded into drums for proper disposal. Hepaco will go back out to pick up the waddles in a few days.