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    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    27-SEP-2021 11:35AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    City of Lebanon Gasification Plant dba Lebanon Waste Water Treatment Plant
    321 Hartmann Drive
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    City of Lebanon

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    City of Lebanon

    Description and Writeup

    There are two sewer manholes in the greenspace behind my home in Lebanon tn. When we have heavy rains, these manholes overflow and spew out raw sewage. I have been complaining about this to the city for a year and a half, with no response. On sept 18, we had flooding back in that field. Bot manholes spilled human waste from 10:00 am until 9:30 pm. The field is full of toilet paper and raw sewage. This is a major public health concern. To top it all off, the land owner, who happens to be the city sewer manager, is trying to use this land to bail hay. After a heavy rain on August 23, 2021, the manhole spilled sewage into the field. The land owner bailed that hay and sold it for animal consumption. This is pure negligence and needs to be addressed before animals or humans start to die from this. I have many videos of this incident on sept 18 and would like to share with someone at tdec.

    There is a greenspace field directly behind me. The first manhole is about 70-80 yards directly west of my backyard. The other manhole is approx 100 yards north of that one.

    JMF contacted Lebanon collection system operator on 9-21-21. Requested photos of site. Discussed overflows; seems to only occur during major rain events. Site is served by a pump station that is in design phase for renovation that will include increased pumping and storage capacity.

    Photos received on 9-22-21 depicting overflow in progress, as well as area after with lime applied to disinfect. No solids noted on ground in photos.

    Complainant contacted via e-mail on 9-27-21.