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    Ask TDEC
    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    07-MAR-2023 09:25AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Kings Chapel Capacity LLC
    Highway 96
    College Grove
    RSF and DI - 03-0970 app by MRT 10/9/03 CS phase 1 - 03-1077 app by AKB 4/8/04 CS phase 2 - 03-1204 submitted 12/23/03, plans database shows MRT as reviewer but he did not receive this project, no app date given
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Superior Wastewater Systems, LLC

    Investigation Results

    No Problem Found
    Superior Wastewater Systems, LLC

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    The complainant observed alleged raw sewage west of the Kings Chapel Capacity building. Distinct order and standing sewage on the field. The complainant also noticed a leak in a "blue 2-inch pressurized line," spraying raw sewage into the wood and field area near the capacity building.

    28-FEB-23: Spoke with the official contact, John Powell, regarding the complainant's description. Due to the expanding subdivision to the west of the facility. The WWTP was conducting a flow test from 26-FEB-23 to 27-FEB-23. The flow went from the pump station and collection line into the RSF from a fire hydrant. The 2-inch blue line observed was likely a 2-inch vinyl firehose connected to the hydrant meter. Water from the hydrant, along with recent rainfall, was observed leaving the drain field during the test by the operators.

    Mr. Powell also believes the odor originates from the lift station, not the drain field. Mr. Powell will provide pictures of the site's conditions later this afternoon.

    01-MAR-23 Site investigation: The drip field adjacent to the RSF was saturated with trace algae within low-lying areas of the field. Given the recent flow test and weather, the field's saturated condition is understandable. I advised Mr. Powell to look into the cause of the algae and provide an update on the cause. Effluent is currently routed to another drip field southeast of the RSF, which is not saturated and is in satisfactory condition. I observed a Williamson County issued fire hydrant meter and 2-inch vinyl hose, which supports the likelihood the observed 2-inch blue line was spraying potable water and not raw sewage per the complainant.

    I walked the perimeter of the RSF, the adjacent roadway (Majestic Meadows Drive), the fenced drip fields, and west (downwind) of the RSF. No odor was present or evidence of "standing sewage" within the described areas. It is my understanding the concerns of sewage would be the algae present in the drip field adjacent to the sand filter. Since the areas described are fenced with appropriate signage, I found no risks to public health.

    The facility is currently constructing an additional 32.2 acre drip field with a Biomicrobics MyFast fixed media treatment system, lift station, and equalization tanks.