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    Fish Kill
    08-NOV-2022 01:24PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    US Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
    1 Bethel Valley Road
    Oak Ridge
    Office of Science, National Security/Production of complex assemblies and components, safe secure storage of nuclear materials, dismantlement and disposition of weapon components, support of national priorities, environmental restoration
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)

    Investigation Results

    Issue Resolved
    Todd North

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    This morning at approximately 6:00a, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Utilities staff discovered an outdoor leak in a 6-inch water supply line to the fire protection system in Bldg 7002. The leak was isolated within 20 minutes and dechlor tablets were put out as soon as possible, but it was estimated that 100,000 gallons of chlorinated supply water leaked into the nearby catch basins and drained to White Oak Creek through Outfall 434. An Environmental Sciences Division aquatic biologist conducted a survey in the area downstream of this outfall and recovered the bodies of 141 minnows, 11 salamanders, and 13 aquatic worms. It appeared that impacts from this event had ended when the aquatic survey concluded at 12:45p, as water levels had returned to normal flow, turbidity was settling out, and chlorine residual was not detected. Live fish and aquatic life were also observed in the stream, but in reduced numbers compared to what would normally be expected.

    The pipe failure is being excavated on Tuesday 10/4/2022 to restore fire line supply to the building and investigate the source of this release. The required follow-up report that will be sent on Friday 10/7/2022 will include updates from this process.

    According to the ORNL National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, Part II.C.2, a noncompliance which has constituted a threat to the environment is required to be reported to the Division of Water Resources in the Knoxville Field Office within 24-hours from when we became aware of the circumstances. A follow-up written submission must be provided within 5 calendar days unless this requirement is waived by the Director.