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    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    30-OCT-2019 11:08AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Nash Dairy Co.
    3983 Highway 41A North
    Chapel Hill
    Dairy farm
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Steve Nash

    Investigation Results

    No Problem Found
    Steve Nash

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    10-24-19 Caller said Nash Dairy has a pipe across his property to creek.

    10:45am Called and then met Mr. Travis. He said a pipe was put recently installed by Nash Dairy and pushed his fence down to do so. A 12-inch diameter green pipe (see pic) about 1 foot off creek bed was seen. Pipe was coming from Nash farm and located right on property line. Fence was located almost above pipe end. 20 yards downstream there was an overflow channel tot he creek for a pond located on Nash. Pond was maybe 20 yards on other side of fence. No discharge was seen coming from either the pipe or pond, and no signs of sediment or discoloration from potential discharge points were seen downstream. Mr. Travis’ concerns were the pipe end was maybe 3-5 feet onto his property and the fence was down. It was hard to determine where the property line was due to a lot of brush growth. The fence appeared to have been down for some time but not recently done. It appeared down as a result of fallen limbs and erosion due to nearness to creek bank. Green Pipe appeared to have been in ground for a while.

    10/29/19 2:20pm Met Mr. Steve Nash. The 12 inch diameter green pipe was a way to capture water into a sump pit (see pic) located about 20 yards from creek. Water was then pumped to his barns as needed. Mr. Nash said pit has not been used in about 4 years and installed in about 2014. From the look of the equipment, it has been at least 2-3 years. The PVC pipe connection to the barns located in the pit was broken. (See pic.) The sump pump was on the ground outside the pit partially covered in dirt and brush growth. The pond appeared to be a farm pond not a waste pond. A man made channel had been dug to allow it to overflow to the creek. It was not overflowing or near that point on this visit. The channel had not been dug recently. It was explained that if water were to be drawn from the creek, a permit was needed. Suggested he consider plugging the green pipe.

    10/29/19 2:57pm Called Mr. Travis and explained that this was not an issue we could address at this time since no discharge or signs of such had occurred recently. Suggested he not plug the green 12 inch diameter line. Suggested he call TDEC if he sees a future discharge of coloration from either the pipe or overflow point of pond. Explained that neither were points of discharge for cattle waste as best could be determined at this time.