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    Pollution / Spills / Illicit Discharge
    19-JUL-2019 07:14AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Portland STP
    124 Morningside Drive
    WWTP Expansion includes: installation of (1) Headworks Structure, (1) SBR Basin, (1) Tertiary Disk Filter, (1) Chlorine Contact Basin, (1) Pump Station, EQ Basin modifications, aeration grid and blowers, grading, pavement, and accessory items.
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    City of Portland, Tennessee

    Investigation Results

    Portland STP

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    3-5-2010 -- Mr. Bivins called this morning and he said that the City of Portland's Outfall was polluting Summers Branch and everything was black. He said that there were no fish in it and it had a bad odor. MAF
    3/5/10, called Mr. Bivins, he reports heavy algae, you can't see the bottom of the creek. He didn't notice any odors, but the stream is black. He believes someone is dumping something at night, a plating industry dumping problem wastes through the Portland STP. A neighbor reports seeing foam on the creek at night. He reports the foam completely covered the creek and the Red River, and there is a petroleum sheen also. His property is approx. 4 to 5 miles downstream of the Portland STP outfall at the confluence with the Red River (STP discharge is RM 8.6 of Summers Branch). He wants someone to meet with him and look at the creek conduct sampling. Advised him that algae growth indicated nutrient enrichment, and not plating wastes, and that someone would contact him back about investigation. 3/10/10, AER called & left message/requested call back about CBI underway at Portland STP & JRS will meet with him & investigate.

    3/30/10 : After two previously scheduled meetings were rained out, JRS met with Mr. Bivens on-site. See attached trip report.

    9/16/10 : After review of the August 2005 CO that established a moratorium and other requirements (including a list of "prior commitments" that would be allowed), JRS and JEH met with the mayor and other city officials to conduct an audit of the moratorium. The city produced a list of all sewer connections that had occurred since the CO, and these were matched against the approved prior commitment list. Most of the areas of concern raised by Mr. Bivens (including the industrial park and Magnolia Springs) were found to have been on the approved list, but were just now being built out due to the economic downturn. However, there were some other discrepancies discovered, such as exceedances of allowable taps in certain developments, extending taps to previously vacant lots, no limits on recieving flow from Millersville, and some question about the Comfort Suites hotel on Hwy 31.

    10/11/10 : JRS & JEH met with Phil Simmons and Patrick Parker to discuss Portland, and review the results of the moratorium audit. A new Order against the STP was already in the works due to effluent violations and the facility's presence on the EPA "Watch List". It was determined that in reality the 2005 moratorium had very little effect in bringing the STP into compliance, and that some violations of the moratorium had indeed occurred. It was agreed that the upcoming new order would address these findings as well, and require submittal of revised CAP/ER, CMOM plans, and have updated moratorium language.