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    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    22-JUN-2020 03:09PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Brentwood Collection System
    1750 General George Patton Drive
    Collection system to Metro Nashville Sewerage System
    EFO Name
    Site Owner

    Investigation Results

    No Problem Found

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Can you let me know what the state is doing about this? I would assume some pretty hefty fines are being issued as well as a hold on any further development:

    Raw, untreated sewage is overflowing out of the Brentwood sewer system.

    This disease-laden waste is overflowing into local waterways and onto local lands.

    It is a public health problem.

    The EPA states,
    “Because Sanitary Sewer Overflows contain raw sewage they carry bacteria, viruses, protozoa (parasitic organisms), helminths (intestinal worms), and inhaled molds and fungi. As a result, they may cause diseases ranging in severity from mild gastroenteritis (causing stomach cramps and diarrhea) to life-threatening ailments such as cholera, dysentery, infections hepatitis, and severe gastroenteritis.”

    These sewage overflows occur whenever the Brentwood sewer system is overloaded and its capacity is exceeded. In 2018, there were nine overflows. A similar number of sewage overflows are occurring in 2019. In fact, this August there were three sewage overflows.

    The volume of the overflows is not known, but Brentwood’s consulting engineers report each overflow event has the potential to be over a million gallons of raw sewage.

    The engineers also report this “is due to a lack of capacity” and have recommended the construction of a massive 3 million gallon storage tank to contain the sewage system overflows. The City has tentatively scheduled this tank to be constructed and operational sometime in 2022. So, according to the engineers, these sewage system overflows will continue for several years.

    Furthermore, engineering reports state the magnitude of the sewage overflows will increase if building and development are permitted to continue. They predict a potential increase in overflow volume of hundreds of thousands of gallons! The City’s limited, overloaded sewer system simply does not have the capacity to support more growth.

    Paul Sanderson
    Sanderson Mcleod
    “Compromise is for those strong enough to admit their vulnerability”***

    23-OCT-19 I've reached out to Mr. Sanderson via email and phone call. I am awaiting his response and will attempt to contact him again on Friday, 25-OCT-19.***

    25-OCT- 19, I spoke with Mr. Sanderson over the phone and shared the link to TDEC's public data viewer with hime via email.***

    "The link above is to TDEC’s public data viewer. The data viewers pull information from the same consolidated databases TDEC staff use to keep track of environmental regulatory activities, rosters and status. You can search by the facility’s permit number. Brentwood Collection System’s Permit number is SOP-88068. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

    06-NOV-11, at this time the complaint is closed. TDEC will continue to monitor to Brentwood's collection system.