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    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    18-JAN-2022 07:42AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Denzil Bowman Wastewater Treatment Plant (Greeneville STP)
    4520 Old Asheville Highway
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Johnson City
    Site Owner
    City of Greeneville

    Investigation Results

    No Problem Found
    Greeneville Water Commission

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Complainant states that sewage is collecting in the crawlspace under the house. GWC personnel claim that it is groundwater/stormwater due to the low lying nature of the surrounding property. GWC will investigate.

    GWC personnel contacted me and informed me that the water in the crawlspace could not be from overflow events from the manhole on his property because the manhole was at a lower elevation than the house, pictures provided by GWC personnel. GWC personnel indicated to me that they offered to pump any standing water from the crawlspace as a one-time courtesy. They indicated that a letter would be prepared and signed by both parties summarizing this agreement, but the complainant refused to sign the letter. I later spoke with the complainant and he told me that he refused their offer on the grounds that he was not going to sign anything from GWC. He told me that would take care of the issue himself. Additionally, the area where GWC personnel installed the new service line for the grinder pump was still disturbed. When I inquired about the timeframe to address this issue, GWC personnel indicated that they will need to wait until the area dries out because the ground is still saturated due to the collection of stormwater. Stand water was visible in the pictures provided by GWC personnel. The complainant was not satisfied with this timeframe and informed me that he would address the matter himself.