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DWR Complaints
Complaint Details
Complaint Number
DWR Program Area
Date Received
How Received
Other Agency
Sludge / Bio-solids
Concerning (Other)
Oil and Grease
Assigned on
Record Last Updated
30-JUL-2024 07:45AM
Location based on SITE_ID
Site ID
Clarksville Gas and Water dba Clarksville Wastewater Treatment Plant
15 Quarry Road
EFO Name
Site Owner
City of Clarksville
Investigation Results
Referred to other Agency
Date Investigated
Responsible Party
Completed on
Referred To
Mike Horsley SWM
Referred on
Complaint Description and Writeup
Complaint Description and Writeup
Complainant states that: Hazmat waste consisting of oil and other debris was brought to this plant by collections. We can't treat hazmat. It was knowingly dump on a pad that sends it to the headworks to go through the plant. What couldn't make it's way through the drain was scooped up and placed into the headworks rag dumpster. That is not supposed to have any hazmat in it based on the paper work we sign during pickup stating no hazmat to be contained. Operators refused to sign it so the paper went up the management chain until someone knowingly signed it anyways.
CLW Called Brian Shelton with Clarksville WWTP-Lift Station 1-2 years ago that industrial used had discharged oil/ black substance, did clean up and billed them and enforced against. He received call from sewer crews to go back out there and looks like residuals were still in the pipe and were pumped out and sent to the WWTP. Mr. Shelton was unaware they pumped and brought it to the WWTP until it had happened. Industry is Hancook (waiting for verification from PT coordinator), uses carbon black in industry process, fine graphite powder that can look really dark. Called landfill to determine what they can do, mix rags from pumped loads with headworks sludge usually, landfill said they were okay with them bringing it to them and mixing as usual. Mr. Shelton unsure if it has made it to the landfill yet and they did not see an interruption in treatment at the WWTP. Waiting for additional details from PT coordinator.
More detailed information from Mr. Brian Shelton- "The waste in question came from our Steelstock pumping station located in our industrial park. We have had a couple of incidents in recent years at this location. A work order was turned in for our vac truck to pump the station out due to solids buildup and rags. No detail of oil or grease was in the work order. The vac operator vacuumed the station out and dumped it at the WWTP. The operators noticed a darker color in the wet well but didn't think it was oil. The vac truck operator thought it looked like leachate that the landfill had discharged. During the month of May the landfill was having trouble with their process and their discharge was darker than normal. After it was dumped it was observed to have oil residual and a black color. We let it dry on the pad and and mixed it in the headworks screenings since it was similar material."
Samples were not collected at any point by the WWTP
7/12/2024 Meeting with Solid Waste and DWR to determine action steps, emailed Mr. Shelton that sampling must be conducted on the wet well and dumpster for TCLP RCRA 8 Metals
Oil & Grease
Copper, Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel, Lead, Silver, Zinc, and Cyanide
7/22/2024 Initial sample results provided
7/24/2024 Additional sample results provided
7/29/2024 Notified Mr. Shelton with Clarksville WWTP- after speaking with Mr. Horsley in Solid Waste, they are cleared to dispose of the waste if mixed with kitty litter so no liquids are left, it should be fine to go into a Class I landfill such as Bi County at Woodlawn