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    Sewage Bypass / Overflow
    20-NOV-2023 03:17PM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    Memphis - Maynard C. Stiles STP
    373 Stiles Drive
    Treatment of municipal sewage
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    City of Memphis

    Investigation Results

    Referred to other Agency
    City of Memphis
    City of Memphis

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    6-12-2018: MEFO/DWR received a notification via email from the City of Memphis regarding an overflow south of Duncan Road and east of Raleigh Millington Road. The City suspected the SSO was due to sand in the line. The City has communicated with SARP10 in an effort to have the line cleaned.

    6-15-2018: MEFO received the 5-day notification letter (via email)regarding the SSO. In the letter, it was noted that the overflow could potentially be as much as 86,000 gallons and that water samples were taken from the Loosahatchie River downstream and upstream of the overflowing manhole. This was done in an effort to determine if the overflow was contained onsite or if it was getting into waters of the State.

    6-15-2018: EKB met Jason Simpson with the City of Memphis at the site. The manhole is located in a wood area. At the time of the site visit, the manhole was overflowing and it was difficult to ascertain whether or not the overflow was reaching the Loosahatchie. As stated above, the City took water samples downstream and upstream in the River. At the time of the inspection, City contractor was working of cleaning up the line. According to Mr. Simpson, the City was estimating approximately two weeks for the cleanup to be completed.

    6-21-2018: Received an email from the City of Memphis that both the upstream and downstream samples tested positive for E. Coli. As a result, the City pulled another set of samples on 6-20-2018, this time the upstream sampling point was moved from the Singleton Pkwy bridge to the Austin Peay Hwy Bridge. Results were pending and the City contractor was continuing the cleanup work on the line.

    6-26-2018: MEFO/DWR received the analytical results from the second set of samples and the data was within limits. Based on the analytical data, it appeared that the overflow was being contained in the wooded area. In the meantime, City contractor continued to cleanup the line.

    7-2-2018: MEFO/DWR received an email update noting that the overflow was still occurring but it appeared to be contained in the wooded area. Contractor was continuing to clean up the line. According to Mr. James Greenlee City of Memphis Sewer Maintenance Department Supervisor (via phone conversation with EKB), the City contractor was encountering a lot of sand in the line that may prolong the cleanup time.