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    Stormwater - Construction
    23-MAY-2022 10:31AM

    Location based on SITE_ID

    Site ID
    No Wake Watersports aka Charles Samples property
    582 Indian River Boat Dock Road
    Boat Rental Facility
    EFO Name
    Site Owner
    Charles Samples

    Investigation Results

    Referred to Enforcement
    Chuck Samples

    Complaint Description and Writeup

    Subject: Chuck Samples

    We are sending this email regarding the issues our entire neighborhood is having with Chuck Samples and his construction of a boat rental business known as No Wake Watersports at 582 Indian River Boat Dock Rd. in Jacksboro. Though numerous citizens have reported his egregious violations, he has not been held to account for his actions. He commits these violations believing he will not be stopped, and your inaction proves he is right. What will it take to stop this bad actor who is a serial offender to our environment?

    We believe the inaction has gone far enough, so we want to make sure all interested parties are aware. Since there are multiple departments within TVA, TDEC, and the County, perhaps we have not contacted the right people. Please forward this email to anyone who may be able to assist.

    The issues and/or violations, that we are aware of, include:

    1) He has hauled in contaminated fill dirt from his scrapyard Jacksboro Metals. This continues TODAY;
    2) He has covered a portion of the fill dirt with rip rap;
    3) He has removed all trees, many below the 1040, from this property and the property next door;
    4) He burned a building with tires inside during a burn ban. He has actually set fires on the property on four different occasions during the burn bans due high winds. The entire neighborhood could’ve burned down;
    5) He is constructing a building on the fill dirt. Does he have a building permit? How does he have a septic permit for this building since he cut the land? It is our understanding that this property’s soil test indicated it percolated for a 1 bed/1 bath only. How can he obtain power without these permits?
    6) He has cleared 4 acres with no stormwater pollution prevention plan. He created the exact same issue at Whitman Hollow Marina a few years ago;
    7) He is putting in a fuel tank;
    8) He is building a floating cabin office and boat slips with no TVA permit; additionally, all floating cabins must now be in a marina harbor per the new regulations. How does he have power to the floating cabin? What about gray water?

    We have pictures and video to document all of this activity that we are happy to provide. We will continue to push for a remedy and appreciate any assistance you may be able to offer.

    Debbie Farmer
    Indian River Marina

    Marvin and Brandi Leeck
    Bo’s at Indian River Marina

    Jonathan Springer
    Senior Legislative Advisor
    Senate Republican Caucus, Chairman Ken Yager
    Tennessee General Assembly
    Office: 615-741-3144
    Cell: 615-945-4031