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The Tennessee Water Well Act of 1963 requires all persons drilling a water well to be licensed. A water well is any well for the production of water for beneficial use such as: domestic use, irrigation, livestock watering, etc. A person installing a pump or water treatment device on a water well must also be licensed.

The Well Driller Supervision Program licenses well drillers, pump setters, and water treatment device installers in the State. Licensed individuals must develop wells and install equipment according to standards, which are designed to protect the resource and insure consumers of a safe and reliable structure. The duties of the Commissioner are given in TCA, Section 69-11-106 and include, among other things, the authority to:

  • License drillers, pump installers, and water treatment device installers
  • Inspect well construction
  • Investigate complaints
  • Promulgate Rules relative to well construction.

To promote greater transparency, accountability, and wider access to public information, the department also publishes information on map viewers. Map viewer interface displays information from the same consolidated databases TDEC staff use to keep track of environmental regulatory activities, rosters and status.